Thursday, March 05, 2009

Technorati Quietly Outdoing Google Blog Search?

When I see posts that really understand what we're trying to do at Technorati, it's just pretty cool. I've highlighted a couple really insightful posts previously, and today, I found a great one from Louis Gray. Basically, Louis points out that our index works differently than Google Blog Search, and at least for him, is providing better results. Here's an excerpt:

Google is set up to find all of the world's information, and it is doing a fantastic job at that, as we all know, and it is the gold standard for search in practically every regard. But it's maybe too good. The company's over-aggressive spiders are just as likely to trigger false positives in terms of knowing what is a blog and what is not, or what is a blog post or what is simply sidebar information. Last August, I highlighted one issue, when MyBlogLog activity was spawning false positives. On other occasions, I've seen updates from aggregation sites, like Socialmedian, do the same. At this point, my bookmarked blog search from Google to find reactions excludes no fewer than four sites, to try and filter down the accurate results.And as I'm fighting off false positives with Google, Technorati is quietly finding me mentions that I can't get using Google, which relies on keywords instead of links. Not even the advanced blog search page on Google lets me find links to a site the way most bloggers want to find.

His full post is here:

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